A longtime dream of mine has just been realized – to host(ess) a retreat for a few select women, where we could just BE – enjoy peaceful surroundings and each other’s company. This past summer, in talking to a dear friend, who had the idea for a retreat, but not the place, we were able to merge the two dreams, then fine tune and plan it, until it became reality.
Achieve balance, happiness, and peace of mind in your personal and family life.
If there were ever a time to dare, to make a difference, to embark on something worth doing, it is NOW. Not for any grand cause, necessarily, but for something that tugs at
your heart, something that’s your aspiration, something that’s your dream.
You owe it to yourself to make your days here count. Have FUN. Dig DEEP. STRETCH.
Know, though, that things worth doing seldom come easy. There will be good days. And there will be bad days. There will be times when you want to turn around, pack it up and call it quits. Those times tell you that you are pushing yourself, that you are not afraid to learn by trying.
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It has been four months since I have posted a blog. I have not been hibernating, even though the winter has been a bitter one. Life has been busy and good.
Recently, a friend, who is a Life Coach mentioned that we need to eliminate the “shoulds” in our heads. The things we think we “should” be doing, but aren’t getting to or for whatever reason we aren’t exploring fully. Who is really in charge of the “should”?
Just thought I would surface again, so that those who are visiting my website will know that, yes, business is good and life is good and perhaps blogging will at some point be good, but in the meantime I won’t stress about it.
I am currently reading “The Gifts of Imperfection” by Brené Brown and the subtitle is: “Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are”.
That is my wish for all who are reading this today!
Do you have the perfect business, that you are passionate about and yet, you’re stuck, and not thriving in the way that you should?
Do you have relationships that are more challenging than pleasurable and causing you concern?
Is it possible that you are getting in your own way? Do you listen to and learn from the lessons that reveal themselves to you each and every day? Read more
When I posted this picture of my mother and daughter on Facebook, I was unprepared for the outpouring of love, compliments and insights from all who viewed it. Everyone seemed to see the love and devotion mirrored in the contented expressions and realized that this will be a moment that I will cherish forever.
Yes, they are the two, most precious girls in my life and one of them is gracing us with her final days. We don’t know if it will be days, weeks or months – we just know that she is fading and that every moment is precious. Read more
Personal wellness can mean different things to different people.
Someone asked me recently, “What if I was hoping that my book launch would go extremely well and that my new book would be wildly successful? Could that be considered personal wellness?” Good question. I would (and did) say yes, for the simple reason that our lives can’t be compartmentalized. When our business is going well, it enhances life and makes us happy.
That being said, we tend to think of personal wellness in terms of having the freedom to make choices about what we do and when we do it. Having balance. Is that even possible, in this day and age? I do believe it is. But we can also be OK with being out of balance occasionally, to achieve a goal. Then personal wellness comes as we reap the rewards and enjoy the benefits. Read more
Ripples to Wellness
By caring for our physical, emotional and financial well-being, it is possible to age with purpose and security in this fast-paced world.
Make your “ripple effect” powerful and fulfilling!

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