Feeling Guilty – Useless Emotion

It has been four months since I have posted a blog.  I have not been hibernating, even though the winter has been a bitter one. Life has been busy and good.

Recently, a friend, who is a Life Coach mentioned that we need to eliminate the “shoulds” in our heads. The things we think we “should” be doing, but aren’t getting to or for whatever reason we aren’t exploring fully. Who is really in charge of the “should”?

Just thought I would surface again, so that those who are visiting my website will know that, yes, business is good and life is good and perhaps blogging will at some point be good, but in the meantime I won’t stress about it.

I am currently reading “The Gifts of Imperfection” by Brené Brown and the subtitle is: “Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are”.

That is my wish for all who are reading this today!